
Decrease of caseload

To be added soon

1. Insufficient number of judges

2. Infrequent use of arbitration as an alternative means of dispute resolution, and lifelong delays in enforcement

3. Infrequent use of judicial mediation institutions

1. In the first instance, the number of civil law profile judges will double to 200, and the number of criminal and administrative law judges will increase from 80 to 140.

2. The decision on local arbitration notice-enforcement will be taken by the court of first instance instead of the appeal, and on the decision made outside Georgia - instead of the Supreme Court - by the court of appeal. A "Consumer Arbitration" will be created, which, without prior agreement, post factum will consider disputes arising between consumers and suppliers.

3. The existing system of payment of the state duty will be replaced by the British model, which implies a separate determination of the duty for consideration of the case.

To be added soon

To be added soon